Hi, Friends of Cocktails. It’s finally November, and as the Movember foundation puts it best, it’s a month to remind us on how we can change the face of men’s health. To bring awareness, last year I created a cocktail called the Gentleman’s Health that helped us raise $1,500 for the cause - helped also by the support from our friends on YouTube. Creators like Vlad SlickBartender, RAUL BARTENDER, Rob’s Home Bar, 62nd Cocktails, Anders Erickson, Booze on the Rocks, Liquid Memoir and Angry Cocktails all shared this charitable cocktail with their viewers, for which we are very thankful!
Today I’ll be showing you how you can make this simple drink with a little Cocktail Time twist, but more importantly, we’ll talk about how we can crush last year’s mark - together! We began by renaming our team page on movember.com to COCKTAILS FOR GENTLEMAN'S HEALTH, and we’re inviting everyone in the cocktail community to help us reach this goal by spreading the word that the Cocktail Community cares about the dads, sons, brothers, partners and bro’s everywhere. Any cocktail, any form and any platform that you can use are welcome, and if you’re reading this you’re a part of this community too - so you’re also helping already.

We will be donating the ad revenue that this year’s Movember video makes during the next month, and each member of the Cocktail Time Crew already donated $100 to get the ball rolling! At the end of the blog you can find the link to the “COCKTAILS FOR GENTLEMAN'S HEALTH” team page, where you can donate, but this movement doesn’t have to stay online - so if you own or work at a bar consider adding a Movember cocktail to your menu and donating a portion of the proceeds by the end of the month. Now let’s make this thing, shall we? It’s Cocktail Time.
Gentleman’s Health
● 30 (1 oz) Jameson Crested
● 22.5 (0.75 oz) Yellow Chartreuse
● 22.5 (0.75 oz) Homemade Vermouth Bianco
● 22.5 (0.75 oz) Lemon Super Juice
● 2 drops 20% saline solution
● Lemon peel mustache
Making this cocktail is easy, you just need to shake it with ice and serve it in a chilled coupe - garnished of course with a lemon peel carved into a mustache. What’s more important is that there are 5 ingredients in this drink, the same number of important things that can help men live longer, happier lives. The biggest health issues faced by men are prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health problems that lead to suicide, so start by spending time with people who make you feel good.
Catch up regularly, check in and make time for the men in your life - maybe you need it, or maybe your friends need it. While you’re at it, talk openly about what’s really going on, and don’t forget to listen too, as being there for someone can be lifesaving. Also remember to know the numbers. At 50 talk to your doctor about prostate cancer, and if you have a family history of prostate cancer, have the conversation at 45.
Know thy nuts. Simple. Give them a feel regularly and get to know what’s normal for you, and if something doesn’t seem right, go to the doctor. Lastly, move more. Walk, hike, jog, run, ride a bike, whatever, just do more of what makes you feel good - if it doesn’t yet, it will, trust me - and after all that I promise you an occasional cocktail will taste even better, especially if you’ll know it’s made for a good cause.
If you make a Cocktail for Gentleman’s Health too, make sure to send it my way so I can share your contribution to our movement. This blog was a little different from what we regularly post, but it’s something we feel passionate about so thank you for helping us out by reading it. Also next October we’ll make sure to have charitable cocktails for Breast Cancer Awareness Month too - we have some amazing female bartenders in our industry, and on YouTube, so I look forward to that. Cheers, Friends of Cocktails!
Make a donation towards supporting men’s health: https://ex.movember.com/team/2399550
To make it easier for you to try these recipes you can grab the bottles I used from CURIADA here: https://bit.ly/cocktailtimecollection
By buying through the affiliate links you’re also helping out the Cocktail Time channel with a small commission (at no additional cost to you). Cheers!