For this cocktail, which I named the Inverted White Russian, I used milk washing but using cream to stay in line with the classic White Russian. It creates a wonderfully rich creamy mouthfeel! The Kahlúa-coffee works so well on the top, that I'm sure you'll love this cocktail just as much as the whole 'Cocktail Time' crew did!
Cream-washed vodka
· 120 ml (4 oz) vodka
· 10 ml (1/3 oz) simple syrup
· 6 drops coffee bitters
· 2 barspoons lemon juice
· 45 ml (1.5 oz) cream
mix everything, except the cream, in a mixing glass and then pour it into the cream (never the other way around). Put everything in the fridge overnight, then strain it through a muslin or cheesecloth, changing the bowls midway, as I did in the video. You will end up with a clear, creamy vodka, that you'll want to sip on its own, but try to resist.
Kahlúa-coffee foam
· 1/2 gelatin sheet
· 60 ml (2 oz) hot water
· 150 ml (5 oz) Kahlúa Coffee Liqueur
· 120 ml (4 oz) Coffee
Put half of a gelatin sheet into cold water to soften it a bit. Squeeze out the water and place it in 60ml of hot water. Strain until it dissolves. Put the gelatin mixture in the fridge to solidify into the gel. Add coffee, Kahlúa, and all of the gel into a blender and blend it until it's very well incorporated. Add the mixture into the ISI siphon and charge it with an N2O cartridge. Shake and place the charged siphon in the fridge to cool. And it's ready to up the Inverted White Russian.
Inverted White Russian
· 60 ml (2 oz) cream-washed vodka
v Top-up Kahlua coffee foam